Penarth Computers' most frequently asked questions are listed below for your convenience. If your query is not below please contact a member of our team by phone, email or via our contact section.

Yes. We offer free pickup and delivery in Cardiff and the surrounding areas. Please call to verify your location qualifies for free pickup and delivery.
Yes. We will evaluate your exact requirements and give you a free written competitive quotation as soon as possible.
Yes. We offer onsite service. Most upgrades, repairs, maintenance, and some troubleshooting can be performed on-site.
Yes. We support products that were purchased from other manufacturers or companies. Please note that in some cases warranties can be invalidated by opening the computer case.
Yes. Your data is our first priority. Unlike many other companies we back up your data before attempting any repairs. We also respect our customers privacy. Please see our terms & conditions.
Yes. All work carried out is inclusive of a 6 month garuntee unless otherwise stated. Please see our terms & conditions for full information.